You are probably aware that Drupal 7 is scheduled to go EOL in November 2023.   We think a lot of the sites that are running Drupal 7 would be interested in moving to Backdrop if they had some help with the upgrade, and so we want to do what we can to make it simpler for the owners of those sites to hire people to help with the process.

To facilitate this, we're setting up a referral service specifically focused on firms and individuals who are willing and enable to support upgrading existing sites from Drupal 7 to Backdrop.  

Once we have a pool of available providers, we’ll advertise the availability of these services to Drupal 7 site owners in a variety of ways and point them to this form:

Speaking of forms: Simply fill out the form below and we’ll add you to the list of providers.  When a request for help comes in, we’ll send you information about the request, and if you’re interested, we’ll forward your contact info to the potential customer.  That’s all we’re doing – it will be up to you to pitch the possible client, work out terms, arrange payment, and complete work.  We just want to make the connection, and beyond that we’ll stay out of the way.


Contact name -- who in your organization should we communicate with about the D7-Backdrop Pipeline project?
What is the name of the entity who would be performing the work? This could be your company name, your division, or an individual's name,
Your company's homepage -- or, if you prefer, a different page (perhaps a task-specific landing page?)
Use this space to tell us anything we might have forgotten to ask!