Backdrop 1.24 Released!

The Backdrop community is proud to announce version 1.24 of Backdrop CMS, which was released as scheduled on January 15, 2023. As part of our commitment to deliver the most usable product, "minor" releases come out three times a year, on a regular schedule. This allows site maintainers to know when to expect updates, and they can plan accordingly. (See for more information on this)

Version 1.24 includes a number of enhancements which improve the usability of Backdrop CMS, including these new features:

Backdrop official chat switches to Zulip

The community has been using Gitter as our official chat for many years now, but the influx of new community members over the last year, and the ever-increasing surge of activity has made it hard for us to keep up with discussions.

Backdrop CMS Upgrade from CKEditor 4 to 5

CKEditor 5 logo on a green background

CKEditor 5 to be Included in 1.27.0

Backdrop plans to include CKEditor 5 in the next core feature version (1.27.0). This will be released January 15, 2024. CKEditor 5 will be enabled by default in all new sites that are installed with version 1.27.0 and higher.
