Become an advocate for a new feature in Backdrop core

Is there a feature that you would REALLY like to see get into the next release of Backdrop CMS, but you don't think you have the skills to write the code for it (or maybe you do)? Then consider becoming an advocate for that issue. 

The Backdrop community has been experimenting with an "advocacy" program, in which we ask community members to identify an issue they feel strongly about, and volunteer some time to help push that issue forward. Often times, the key to moving an issue forward is the involvement of a single individual that is willing to:

Backdrop 1.27 Released!

Baby New Year dragonThe Backdrop community is proud to announce version 1.27 of Backdrop CMS, which was released as scheduled on January 15, 2024. As part of our commitment to deliver the most usable product, "minor" releases come out three times a year, on a regular schedule. This allows site maintainers to know when to expect updates, and they can plan accordingly.

Backdrop 1.25 Released!

The Backdrop community is proud to announce version 1.25 of Backdrop CMS, which was released as scheduled on May 15, 2023. As part of our commitment to deliver the most usable product, "minor" releases come out three times a year, on a regular schedule. This allows site maintainers to know when to expect updates, and they can plan accordingly. (See for more information on this)

Version 1.25 includes a number of enhancements which improve the usability of Backdrop CMS, including these new features:

Herb v/d Dool (@herbdool) Joins Backdrop CMS Core Committers!

Add herbdool to core committers

We're excited to have Herb v/d Dool (also known as simply @herbdool on GitHub) join the Backdrop CMS Core Committers team! During the tremendous effort put in by Herb during the Backdrop 1.11.0 release (and before), I noticed again and again how Herb was providing thoughtful, helpful feedback in the Backdrop issue queue. I took the suggestion to make him a core committer to the Backdrop PMC, who approved my suggestion unanimously.
