Here you'll find posts about both the software and the Backdrop community.

Life as a Backdrop CMS core committer

Man on lounge with laptop

When I was first approached about being a Backdrop CMS core committer, I was both humbled and more than a little scared. I'm extremely grateful to the PMC for having the confidence in me to offer me this role in the community, but the amount of responsibility they were handing over made me a bit hesitant. Could I do this? What if I made mistakes? What did they expect of me time-wise? This article aims to pull back the curtain and show how easy (and rewarding) it is to be a Backdrop core committer.

An engaging and interactive Backdrop LIVE

screenshot of mural board set up for Backdrop LIVE

We have been experimenting with the use of a Mural Board for the upcoming Backdrop LIVE.

MURAL is a digital workspace for visual collaboration, where everyone can do their best work together.

In other words, a Mural Board is a fancy virtual white board that can be used for collaboration and facilitating virtual meetings. 

Backdrop LIVE is March 12-13 (or 14th in some places)

Backdrop CMS version 2 will not be released before January 2025

A hand, holding a clock with wings. Holding on to elusive time.

Drupal 7 extended its end-of-life date until November 2022. This change has prompted questions from the community about the intended release date for Backdrop 2.0.

Initially, we had scheduled the 2.0 release date for "not before" Jan 2024, intending to give everyone at least 2 years to get from Drupal 7 to Backdrop 1.x before potentially removing the Drupal compatibility layer. 

How to make sure your Backdrop website is secure

Gigantic lock on bank safe

As time goes by, more and more of our personal information and daily activity gets drawn into the online world. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic certainly accelerated this process. In the blink of an eye, remote working became the new standard, and people pushed into extended isolation needed to rely more heavily on the internet for entertainment and education.

Backdrop 1.18 Released!

The Backdrop community is proud to announce version 1.18 of Backdrop CMS, which was released on January 15, as scheduled. As part of our commitment to deliver the most usable product, the "minor" releases come out like clockwork, three times a year. This allows site maintainers to know when to expect updates, and they can plan accordingly. (See for more information on this)

#states AND/OR/XOR conditionals explained

Audience: developers creating forms programmatically

For many years now, I've been using #states in many of my pull requests that were around improving the admin user interface. I've found that hiding/showing form elements depending on various conditions, in many situations may result in a much better user experience for content editors and site builders using Backdrop.

Help wanted - finalizing Backdrop CMS 1.18.0

Backdrop CMS is just under a month away from our 19th on-time release, version 1.18.0. Every 4 months, we release a new version which brings with it new improvements and features to Backdrop CMS. Feature freeze is scheduled for Jan 1, 2021 (this may be adjusted for the holiday) and the release will be on Jan 15th. In the final weeks of each release cycle, there is a frenzy of activity and we try to get new improvements finalized and approved. 
