BADCamp 2019

BADCamp 2019 is quickly approaching, and as per usual, Backdrop CMS will be making a big showing. In case you haven't heard, this year the camp will be at the Hotel Shattuck Plaza, instead of UC Berkeley.

Here are some of the highlights of our presence this year:

Drupal Camp LA 2018

Another Drupal Camp LA has come and gone.

To be honest, I wasn't sure it was even going to happen, due to how late in the year it was announced.

But happen it did, and it was great.

I didn't go to many sessions. Instead, I ending up spending most of my time talking with various people about different things. It wasn't necessarily intentional -- that's just the way it worked out.

I did end up attending a few sessions: mostly the ones that involved Backdrop.

Backdrop CMS at Drupal Camp Utah 2018

Joseph and I went to Drupal Camp Utah on May 4th, 2018 (Star Wars Day). This was our 3rd camp at Utah, but it’s been a while since our last one, so there were a lot of unfamiliar faces, but that’s never bothered us before.

Backdrop Contribution Day - April 20, 2019

This weekend Jen Lampton will be working with a group of high school students, in the Oakland area, on contributing to Backdrop CMS. In support of these efforts, we have decided to announce an informal Backdrop CMS contribution day. If you are a supporter of the Backdrop project and have been looking for an opportunity to contribute, Saturday would be a great opportunity to jump in and help us with a task, regardless of where you are. 

DrupalCon NA & Ambitious Digital Experiences

T-rex skeleton from the Lullabot / Pantheon Party held at the Baltimore Science Center

This year's DrupalCon North America may have been one of my favorites so far.  Baltimore was a wonderful city, the sessions I attended were incredibly inspiring, and the convention itself was extremely well-organized.  And, for the first time, I started to feel comfortable that Drupal 8 was finding its footing instead of being stuck in "wait-and-see mode." 

OpenForce 2022 Update

Screen shot of list of OpenForce 2022 issues on Github

OpenForce 2022 participants should start with this blog post.

It's really been great to see all the OpenForce 2022 participants in our issue queue over the last two weeks. We have three issues that have been committed to Backdrop already, with two more that are already RTBC (ready to be committed), and quite a few that are under review or being worked on. 

GHC Open Source Day 2020 - Getting Started

screen shot from Grace Hopper website that shows diverse group of women coding.

Backdrop CMS is participating in the Grace Hopper Celebration, Open Source Day 2022. This blog post was specially written for the same event in 2020.

Dear Open Source Day participants,

We are so grateful that you are volunteering your time to help us make Backdrop CMS a better product for the 1000's of small businesses and non-profits that rely on it. Over the next couple of years, some 700,000 Drupal 7 sites will be looking for a path forward as Drupal 7 reaches end of life.
