Infrastructure Week - December 2022

“The shoemaker's children always go barefoot.”

For a community of folks who design and build websites, sometimes we neglect to give our own websites the love and attention they need and deserve. The Backdrop CMS community relies heavily on 4 internal sites:

Help wanted - finalizing Backdrop CMS 1.21.0

Backdrop CMS is about 45 days away from our 22nd on-time release, version 1.21.0. Every 4 months, we release a new version which brings with it new improvements and features to Backdrop CMS. Feature freeze is scheduled for January 1, 2022 and the release will be on Jan 15th. In the final weeks of each release cycle, there is a frenzy of activity and we try to get new improvements finalized and approved. 

#states AND/OR/XOR conditionals explained

Audience: developers creating forms programmatically

For many years now, I've been using #states in many of my pull requests that were around improving the admin user interface. I've found that hiding/showing form elements depending on various conditions, in many situations may result in a much better user experience for content editors and site builders using Backdrop.

BADCamp 2017 ~ All the Things

BADCamp 2017 Golden Gate Bridge Photo

There was much fun in the air at BADCamp 2017!  It is so great to meet with coworkers, teammates, and friends. Beautiful brisk walks in the morning, great sessions, great networking, food, and company in the evenings. 

OpenForce 2022 Update

Screen shot of list of OpenForce 2022 issues on Github

OpenForce 2022 participants should start with this blog post.

It's really been great to see all the OpenForce 2022 participants in our issue queue over the last two weeks. We have three issues that have been committed to Backdrop already, with two more that are already RTBC (ready to be committed), and quite a few that are under review or being worked on. 

Introducing Kalabox for Warpspeed Backdrop Development

Stardate 47634.44: We’ve encountered the Backdrop CMS, and found it to be the fastest way to make a flexible and modern website. Using the code and concepts we know from Drupal 7, it optimizes web development for 2016.

However, we are perplexed why our development workflows are still archaic and barbaric. To right this wrong, we must violate the Prime Directive and bring technology from the future.

Kalabox. Engage.

Become an advocate for a new feature in Backdrop core

Is there a feature that you would REALLY like to see get into the next release of Backdrop CMS, but you don't think you have the skills to write the code for it (or maybe you do)? Then consider becoming an advocate for that issue. 

The Backdrop community has been experimenting with an "advocacy" program, in which we ask community members to identify an issue they feel strongly about, and volunteer some time to help push that issue forward. Often times, the key to moving an issue forward is the involvement of a single individual that is willing to:
