The Backdrop CMS community is excited to announce the release of Backdrop CMS version 1.14! Version 1.14 comes with a mix of bug fixes, improvements to the user interface, as well as several new features:

Flexible layouts (configurable in UI):

This exciting new feature is the highlight of version 1.14. Site editors will now have the ability to create their own custom page layouts through a simple and easy to use user interface (issue #3755). 

A screenshot of the Flexible Layouts interface, highlighting the options for number of columns.

animation of new flexible layouts feature


Default editor role for every new site:

As of version 1.14, every new Backdrop CMS site comes with a content editor role with sensible default permissions (issue #1285). Only new sites will get this role automatically, you can add this role manually at /admin/config/people/roles. 

A screenshot of the permissions matrix highlighting the new editor role.


Core fieldable file entity bundles:

This is a great improvement that allows fieldable files to be uploaded directly. This feature sets the stage for many other future improvements (issue #2632). 

A screenshot of the new default file types.


New welcome block on the site dashboard:

A dashboard was introduced in Backdrop CMS version 1.13. Existing sites need to enable the Dashboard module to use it. In this release we added a new welcome block to the dashboard. The welcome block provides new site owners with many tips and hints to help them find their way around their new Backdrop CMS site (issue #3994).

A screenshot of the new Welcome block on the dashboard.


Support for trusted host patterns:

For more information read about Protecting against HTTP Host header attacks (issue #2568).

Screenshot of the status report showing the new trusted host patterns setting.


If you're using the Backdrop 1.14 release and would like to provide feedback, we'd love to hear from you in our forum.

To see all the other bug fixes from the 1.13.4 release that were included, take a look at the release notes!